Valoa Album Out Now

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Deepthi's Story

Deepthi is a sacred songstress from Finland, Scandinavia. After 10 years in music business, recording several albums and touring non-stop Deepthi had a spiritual awakening in 2005 which opened her up to a new musical career rooted in spirituality and devotion. Few years later she was initiated into the power of devotional singing, meditation and mantras in India, and was named as Deepthi, 'Sudden Light', by her spiritual master and humanitarian Amma. In 2012 she lost her voice and was told by doctors that she had 'spamodic dysfonia' at her vocal cords and her career is over. But through her dedicated spiritual practices, earth ceremonies, conscious life style, healing voice studies, tantric body work, and working with natural and angelic worlds, ancestors and Great Mother she was able to heal her voice and continue her singing.

The enchanting music of Deepthi is created in honor of her Nordic roots, Mother Earth and planetary service. Her loving intention is to awaken the original, ancient spirit and light of the sacred nordic land and be a blessing for the collective healing and global ascension. Her epic yet soothing cinematic musical world is carefully created by Devaroop, her beloved. The lyrics are created by Deepthi herself. Their sacred medicine music is created with a loving intention of blessing the Earth and creating planetary harmony.

Valoa (Light) nordic chant album has its roots in the Finnish folklore culture. It is not only about the ancient wisdom and mystical culture of the North, but also it is about the element and presence of Light and Darkness. It was said in the ancient traditions that Light comes from the North. This was believed to be true, because the polarity of the seasons and the dark winters outside created a nation willing to survive and strive with a strong inner Light.

The Finnish language can be witnessed as a nurturing lair or as a primal call of the soul, respectively inviting the listener into their own inner world. It does not need to be understood as a spoken language, rather to be felt or experienced as a voice for harmony and communion.

Deepthi is also a founder of Sacred Woman Academy. She has led retreats, events, trainings, ceremonies and transmissions for over ten years, written three books and appeared in all the major medias in Finland. Deepthi is supporting and helping women to cultivate their almost forgotten sacred feminine nature, so that they are able to come together in rooted confidence and impact the environment in a positive way, with a deeper connection to Divine, themselves, each other and nature.

Through her medicine music, healing voice and sacred feminine ascension work Deepthi has dedicated her life in service of Divine Mother.


"I heard your music for the first time during the Natural High Healing Festival. The sensitivity and power you brought to all of our lives was just incredibly amazing. The listeners were crying and everyone experienced your music in their own unique way. It was so purifying and powerful."

"Your concert was truly amazing, your voice and songs have a healing power, and I felt chills going through my body the entire time while you were singing and I couldn't stop crying. I've felt myself so empowered after your concert."

"You are a human angel! You have a deep understanding about life and spirituality, and also an amazing gift to share music and knowledge, and to lead people to their own paths with honesty and love. You have a rare light surrounding you."


Sep 18, 2020
Deepthi will release a new, beautiful music video on Fall Equinox 2020 for her Äiti Maa (Mother Earth) chant. Welcome to join the virtual release party on Deepthi's Facebook page on Sep 22th at 6pm EEST!

May 1, 2020
Deepthi has released a new music video for her Keijutanssi chant. The video is filmed by Devaroop at Deepthi's original roots in Pohjanmaa, Jalasjärvi. Find the video here.

Apr 3, 2020
Deepthi will perform on Hidasta Elämää Live on Apr 10th! Welcome to join this heartfelt chant experience together with Deepthi & Devaroop.

May 6, 2019
Deepthi is happy to announce her upcoming 'Valoa' Concert Tour in Finland Oct-Nov 2019. Tickets on sale now at
Oct 23 TURKU, Logomo
Oct 24 KOUVOLA, Simelius Hall
Oct 25 JYVÄSKYLÄ, Jyväskylä University Hall
Oct 26 LIMINKA, Heikki Sarvela Hall
Oct 27 SEINÄJOKI, Seinäjoki Hall
Nov 2 LAPPEENRANTA, Helkiö Hall
Nov 3 JOENSUU, Joensuu Conservatory Hall
Nov 6 ESPOO, Sello Hall
Nov 8 SAVONLINNA, Melartin Hall
Nov 11 TAMPERE, Tampere-talo, Small Auditorium

Mar 20, 2019
Deepthi will perform at the most loved spiritual festival in Finland, Natural High Healing Festival, on June 6th at the main stage. Welcome to join Deepthi's Nordic Chants and enjoy the spirit of the hearts together!

Feb 9, 2019
Deepthi's first Valoa nordic chant album is released today. The album is now available on Spotify, iTunes, Hidasta Elämää Shop, Levykauppa Äx, Era Nova Book Shop and
Deepthi has an album release concert at Finlandia House in Helsinki today at 2pm. The concert is a part of annual Minä Olen Fair program. Welcome!
Deepthi's Valoa Fall Tour will be announced soon.

Dec 22, 2019
Deepthi's second chant from her upcoming album Valoa is called Loitsu, A Spell. This enchanting, powerful song will be released today, on Winter Solstice Dec 22th 2018.
On this Winter Solstice - the darkest moment of the year in Northern Hemisphere - the Full Moon will reveal herself at the same time with the Winter Solstice. This usually happens every 19th year, but the next time this rare occasion will be experienced is not sooner than in 2094.
To celebrate this darkest moment of the year and the beginning of the growing light Deepthi releases her new chant Loitsu at the exact moment of the Winter Solstice.
The epic, cinematic Northern landscape of Loitsu is composed and produced by Devaroop. The lyrics are written by Deepthi.
Loitsu is an enchanting, epic song where the northern mystic woman is having her final sacred ritual during the darkest hour. She is calling all the divine powers so that she can surrender to her destiny and step into her legacy of light. She gathers her tribe and leads her queendom to the new dawn, new era. She is praying ”Sharanam, Sharanam”, which is ancient Sanskrit word meaning ”to take refugee in God/Goddess”.

Oct 30, 2018
Deepthi's Valoa chant album's release concert will be held at Finlandia House in Helsinki on 9th of February 2019.
Valoa release concert is an enchanting, mystical concert and a sacred journey into the Nordic light and darkness, the mystical roots of our unique culture and into our own being. It was said in the ancient traditions that Light comes from the North. This was believed to be true, because the polarity of the seasons and the dark winters outside created a nation willing to survive and strive with a strong inner Light.
In this concert we will sing, hum, celebrate and meditate this polarity which exists inside of all of us. This concert is a part of Deepthi's mission to create peace and harmony to the Earth and to the hearts of everyone. Together we can rise and shine!
This magical, enchanting concert is a part of yearly Minä Olen Fair program.
Tickets available in

March 20, 2018
Deepthi is the first Finnish contemporary chant artist who sings in her native language and creates music with roots in the essence of Nordic stillness and ever changing light.
Deepthi will launch her first single and music video from her upcoming album, which is called Valoa, on Spring Equinox 2018. The original musical world of Deepthi is a combination of the rooted and contemporary vocal mantras in Finnish language, epic, cinematic musical landscape and the profound essence of spirituality. The essential elements for Deepthi's sound is the vibration of Nordic serenity, depth and the dance of light and darkness that can be found in the nature of the compositions. The chants in Finnish language can be experienced and heard as an ancient siren like melody or as a primal vibration to invite the listener into their own inner world. The Finnish language in the song does not need to be understood as a spoken language, rather to be felt or experienced as a voice for harmony and communion.

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